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Partner Institutions

Assisted children from partner institutions can take part in a number of workshops "to increase participation, ability to become young researchers, and skills in using cultural arts (theater, film, Lenong, etc.) to build peace. The workshop will be hosted by the MAP team from Unika Atma Jaya, Jakarta. with a number of artists according to their expertise.

After participating in a number of workshops, the assisted children are expected to form an MAP group, either within their own institution or joining the assisted children of other institutions. This group will apply the skills acquired through training and preparation to produce a cultural art form that is expected to open dialogue with stakeholders for the resolution of social problems.

1) Bandungwangi Foundation

The Bandungwangi Foundation officially became a legal entity on July 9, 1999 as a community institution that directly assists child victims of CSEC and women trapped in prostitution with the vision of "Healthy, Prosperous, and Non-Discriminatory Indonesian Women". Activities carried out are in the form of outreach and direct assistance for child victims and vulnerable to CSEC, to providing legal services, as well as providing access to services according to the needs of child victims (health, counseling, safe houses for the recovery process), peer educator training, Campaign on Rights Children, Reproductive Health, and the Dangers of CSEC. The Bandungwangi Foundation also collaborates with the Children's Forum in RPTRA to be able to become peer facilitators.

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2) Bina Matahari Bangsa Foundation (YBMB)

The Bina Matahari Bangsa Foundation (YBMB), which was established on December 19, 2013 is a non-profit organization engaged in the protection of street children and neglected children. YBMB was founded by a number of individuals who care about the protection of street children, regardless of ethnicity, race, and religion. Currently, YBMB is accompanying 30 children, consisting of 14 boys and 16 girls, who come from under bridges and slum dwellings in North Jakarta. YBMB organizes Community Learning Activity Centers (PKBM), namely package A and package B programs. YBMB assisted children who do not participate in PKBM attend formal schools from elementary, junior high, and high school levels. For more information about YBMB, please contact Ms. Diah Sri Oktaviani and Ms. Anniek.

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3) Red Nose Foundation

The Red Nose Foundation (RNF) is a non-profit organization that supports the education and development of children and young people from underprivileged families to become positive contributors to society through arts, sports and creative learning activities.

4) Wahana Visi Indonesia AP Urban Jakarta

Wahana Visi Indonesia AP Urban Jakarta (WVI AP Urban Jkt) was formed in 1998 together with World Vision Indonesia as its parent organization. WVI AP Urban Jkt assists conflict-prone areas in Jatinegara and Penjaringan sub-districts. The characteristics of the WVI AP Urban Jkt target group are poor children aged 3 years to a maximum of 18 years who are recommended by local community leaders to become registered children (RC). The purpose of the assistance carried out by WVI AP Urban Jakarta is to make sustainable changes in the lives of children, families and communities living in poverty.

5) Yayasan Anak Bangsa Indonesia (YABI)

The Indonesian Children's Nation Foundation (YABI), which was established on October 30, 2001, carries the vision and mission of protecting children's rights throughout Indonesia through programs of learning houses, arts and culture for street children and by establishing a shelter, namely Rumah Sahabat Anak. YABI is also actively involved in various activities to introduce a culture of tolerance, cooperation and mutual assistance and love the environment through traditional games, fairy tales, children's theater, musical dramas, and children's film productions. On August 18, 2020, YABI changed its name to Yayasan Anak Budaya Indonesia (YABI) with a new vision, namely We CARE Culture for Peace. This vision voices and practices the character building of children and young people with the values of peace in child protection, children's rights, arts, education, culture, as well as humanitarian and social assistance.


The DKI JAKARTA CHILD PROTECTION INSTITUTION is an organization of child protection activists whose institutions are registered with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights and have received a Letter of Approval from the Governor of DKI Jakarta Province and the Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Social Service. Since 2001, LPA DKI Jakarta has been actively fighting for and promoting children's rights in DKI Jakarta through case handling and assistance, advocacy, publication and monitoring and evaluation activities. LPA DKI Jakarta has partners spread across five municipal areas, DKI Jakarta. Cases that are of concern to LPA DKI Jakarta are violence, exploitation, neglect, sexual harassment, struggle for custody, children in conflict with the law, children who need special protection, birth certificates, and the right to health and education.

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7) Sanggar Anak Akar

Sanggar Anak Akar started as an open house program for marginal children in the Kampung Melayu Kecil and Matraman areas which was developed by the Jakarta Social Institute in 1989. This open house program then encouraged the managers to turn it into a safe and comfortable space by establishing Sanggar Anak Akar on 22 November 1994. The goal was to create a sense of security and comfort so that children from various groups interacted with each other and each child dared to express his ideas and abilities. Besides children's crafts, music and theater are activities that unite them. Sanggar Anak Akar uses a humanist educational approach to the arts through theater and music, namely by reading and writing reality and interpreting experiences by reflecting.

8) Cipinang Besar Utara RPTRA Children Forum

The North Cipinang Besar Children's Forum (FA CBU) was formed in 2016. With the motto, "Let us act like children's ambassadors in our village", the FA has carried out many child protection campaigns, such as Stop Child Marriage and Stop Violence against Children. FA CBU also often participates in Musrenbang (Development Planning Consultation) at the sub-district and sub-district levels. FA CBU is interested in raising the issue of Community Fights for Mobile Arts for Peace (MAP) research, and is planning to present it at the Pre-Musrenbang. FA CBU was accompanied by Ms. Tati Nurhayati and Ms. Sarti Fauziah.

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9) Cipinang Besar Selatan RPTRA Children Forum

The existence of a Child Friendly Integrated Public Space (RPTRA) in Cipinang Besar Selatan, a children's forum is held with various positive activities every Saturday and Sunday.

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10) Budi Mulia Pademangan Children's Forum

The Children's Forum (FA) of the Budi Mulia RPTRA, West Pademangan Village, was formed in September 2017. The Budi Mulia RPTRA FA started as a children's association at the Budi Mulia RPTRA with the motto "Being a pioneer and a reporter". FA RPTRA Budi Mulia has carried out many activities that are building the creativity of children in the West Pademangan Village and carried out child protection campaigns and stop violence against children in the West Pademangan area. In addition, FA RPTRA Budi Mulia also participates in humanitarian activities in handling flood and fire disasters. FA RPTRA Budi Mulia was accompanied by Ms. Dany Daryanto and Ms. Alvi Filiyan.

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Let's collaborate together

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Mari Berkolaborasi Bersama Untuk Perdamaian.  

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